Note: Not mentioning names because I'll have to work with these peeps again soon.
Yesterday I had a good hair day but a bad model day. Listen up. In the morning our team pored over model submissions from about 10 agencies for our shoot today. The usual mix. Photogenics, Ford, Vision, Next, etc, etc. And when I say pored, we analyzed and scrutinized each girls book and polaroids with a fine-tooth Mason Pearson comb. After much deliberation we settled on that one girl and I gleefully contacted the "winning" agency very early yesterday morning to let them know we wanted THIS girl—to please confirm her. Silence. An hour goes by. No confirmation. Two hours. No confirmation. I call the agency, and I'm told the booker is out to lunch. Another hour rolls by and I FINALLY get an email saying sorry but the model is in New York. Um. WHAT? YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. Why did you put her on the submission? Why did our Genlux team waste all of our time figuring out she was the one when, in fact, she wasn't even available. (By the way, that's not what I told the agency.) I merely said. Hmmm. Okay. Can you please send another submission—this time I contacted the booker I've worked with for over 8 years. So she sends a submission and we go through the same process and settle on one that we all like. I contact the booker and about an hour later I get an email back in this incredulous tone: "What? The shoot is tomorrow? She's already booked tomorrow." Ummmm, WHAT? YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. YES, YOU KNEW IT WAS TOMORROW!! But actually what I said was this: Okay, please just let me know who is available tomorrow. So they send over these two lame models who I would never use. So. While all of this is going on, I've contacted two of the other agencies to let them know they each have a girl that would be good for this shoot and are they available? One of the agencies gets back to me with bogus answer that the girl is in school so won't be able to give me an answer til 5:00. Here's the trouble folks. Part of this train is moving out to the location at 7:30 TONIGHT and they are the ones taking the model. Yikes, yes, that's what I was saying! So here we are. Waiting til 5:00 for one model when the other model is set to confirm. It's now 5:10 and I pull the trigger and book Masha from Photogenics and let the other agency know we couldn't wait. Not only that, the other agency was asking a lot of questions about the shoot, kind of like they were going to have to "sell" the model on doing it. So happy we went with Masha. At the end of the day (which this really was ladies and gentlemen) the end of the day. Moral of the story: Things ALWAYS work out for a reason. The lesson. In fashion, never get stressed. If a model you want can't do the job, for whatever reason, it was NOT meant to be, and a better one is about to walk through into hair and makeup. So you NEVER have to yell at the booker, YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME.