I was art directing a shoot for a brand campaign last week and maybe it's this Mercury in retrograde thing, but we had one heck of a time casting models. After seeing about a hundred girls, we settled on twelve for the shoot. Then, craziness ensued. One model confirmed but cancelled the day before the shoot. Then, one of the guy models—no lie— was confirmed but was arrested the night before the shoot and was in jail. When I asked his agent what was going to happen, she said his parents had hired a top lawyer to get him out—to her surprise, because she's always thought he'd been raised by wolves.
One agency sent a model to the casting knowing what the rate was and what all of the usages (meaning where the photos would appear). We loved the model and decided to book her. But then, the agent said the amount being paid wasn't enough. WAIT! I told you before you'd sent the model in how much we were paying and what the usage was, right? Ugh! So now, because we actually WANT the model, the rate needs to be higher? The sad part is the model was told that the shoot was cancelled—not that the rate was $2000 for four hours work.
After looking at models from all LA agencies, there was one 'type' that we still hadn't booked. And it was the day before the shoot. On a nearly blind (we only saw her instagram) pick, we booked a girl that had never modeled before. (Yes, we were rolling the dice on this one). Right now, the girl works at Ulta. All I can say is, not for long. (Photos to prove it soon)